FIRN – UTS Market Microstructure Research Group Meeting

CALL FOR PAPERS: New FIRN – UTS Market Microstructure Research Group Meeting April 7-8, 2016

Submission deadline: January 20, 2016

The Financial Research Network (FIRN) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) are holding a Market Microstructure Meeting on April 7-8, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. The theme of the Meeting is “Market Microstructure: Where are we headed?” covering recent developments in the field and forward-looking perspectives. The Meeting format will include several paper presentations and discussions, a panel discussion, and a social function. The panel discussion theme is “Market microstructure in the high frequency era”, featuring lead panellist Maureen O’Hara (Cornell University and University of Technology Sydney) and panellists Ekkehart Boehmer (Singapore Management University), Austin Gerig (United States Securities and Exchange Commission), and Joseph Barbara (Australian Securities and Investments Commission).

The Meeting invites submission of full papers on any current theme in market microstructure. Discussants will be provided for all papers. Presenters will be notified by January 29, 2016. There are no fees to submit or present at the conference. Presenters of accepted papers will receive a substantial contribution to the costs of travel and accommodation. Paper presenters do not have to discuss any papers.

Please send paper submissions to the Meeting Chair: Talis Putnins at

SIRCA Best Paper Award: BFCM Conference

SIRCA is pleased to announce the winners of the SIRCA Best Paper Award at the Behavioral Finance and Capital Markets (BFCM) Conference are Tālis J. Putniņš (UTS) for his co-authored paper titled ‘Volatility After-Effects: Evidence from the Field’ found here, and Sean Foley (The University of Sydney) for his co-authored paper ‘Is There An Optimal Closing Mechanism’ found here.

SIRCA would like to congratulate Tālis and Sean for jointly winning the SIRCA Best Paper Award at the BFCM Conference.