FINAL Call for Paper: Philip Brown Prize 2015

SIRCA would like to remind researchers that the submission deadline for the 2015 Philip Brown Prize is Monday 30th May, 2016.

The Philip Brown Prize acknowledges the significant contribution Philip Brown made in the establishment of SIRCA and the work he did in developing databases used for finance and accounting research. To be considered for this Prize, the paper must have been published in an A grade (or higher) journal in the calendar year of 2015 by a SIRCA Member using authorized SIRCA data.  Additionally, the use of SIRCA data must be cited within the publication. To submit an application, email a full PDF version of the paper to by 30/5/2016. SIRCA encourage all Members who meet the above criteria to apply. The winner of the 2015 Philip Brown Prize will be announced during the 2016 AFAANZ conference in July.

For more information on the Philip Brown Prize, click here.