Senior executives explain the benefits and common goals behind the merger.

CALL FOR PAPERS: New FIRN – UTS Market Microstructure Research Group Meeting April 7-8, 2016
Submission deadline: January 20, 2016
The Financial Research Network (FIRN) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) are holding a Market Microstructure Meeting on April 7-8, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. The theme of the Meeting is “Market Microstructure: Where are we headed?” covering recent developments in the field and forward-looking perspectives. The Meeting format will include several paper presentations and discussions, a panel discussion, and a social function. The panel discussion theme is “Market microstructure in the high frequency era”, featuring lead panellist Maureen O’Hara (Cornell University and University of Technology Sydney) and panellists Ekkehart Boehmer (Singapore Management University), Austin Gerig (United States Securities and Exchange Commission), and Joseph Barbara (Australian Securities and Investments Commission).
The Meeting invites submission of full papers on any current theme in market microstructure. Discussants will be provided for all papers. Presenters will be notified by January 29, 2016. There are no fees to submit or present at the conference. Presenters of accepted papers will receive a substantial contribution to the costs of travel and accommodation. Paper presenters do not have to discuss any papers.
Please send paper submissions to the Meeting Chair: Talis Putnins at Talis.Putnins@uts.edu.au.
SIRCA is pleased to be participating in the AFBC event this week at the Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney. We are sponsoring a Best Paper Award (winners to be announced at the Thursday evening gala dinner) and our team will be at the exhibit area to meet with our Members and answer any questions you may have.
The AFBC event is the most prestigious finance conference in the Asia-Pacific region, and brings together the world’s foremost thought leaders from the financial community.
Please see the conference website for more details.
The SIRCA team look forward to seeing you there!
This is a reminder the call for papers are still open for paper submission to be considered for the Pitching Research Symposium held on Friday 26 February, 2016 at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Please email submissions to callforpapers@sirca.org.au.
The University of Queensland are sponsoring a $1,000 prize for the overall best pitch of the symposium, and CoreLogic are sponsoring a $500 prize for the best pitch utilising CoreLogic RP Data as provided by SIRCA.
More details on this symposium are available here.
The submission deadline is 12 noon Monday 25 January, 2016.
Building on the great success of the inaugural event in 2015, SIRCA is pleased to announce the second edition of its Pitching Research Symposium in 2016.
Professor Robert Faff from the University of Queensland Business School will co-ordinate and lead a one-day symposium comprising ‘pitching research’ presentations. More details on this symposium are available here.
The University of Queensland are sponsoring a $1,000 prize for the overall best pitch of the symposium, and CoreLogic are sponsoring a $500 prize for the best pitch utilising CoreLogic RP Data as provided by SIRCA.
The call for papers are now open and should be emailed to callforpapers@sirca.org.au for consideration.
The submission deadline is 12 noon Monday 25 January, 2016.
The symposium will be held on Friday 26 February, 2016 at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).
SIRCA is pleased to announce the winners of the SIRCA Best Paper Award at the Behavioral Finance and Capital Markets (BFCM) Conference are Tālis J. Putniņš (UTS) for his co-authored paper titled ‘Volatility After-Effects: Evidence from the Field’ found here, and Sean Foley (The University of Sydney) for his co-authored paper ‘Is There An Optimal Closing Mechanism’ found here.
SIRCA would like to congratulate Tālis and Sean for jointly winning the SIRCA Best Paper Award at the BFCM Conference.
SIRCA is pleased to announce our support of the FMCGC to be held at the Intercontinental Melbourne The Rialto over 31 March – 1 April, 2016. Please see the website for more details.
SIRCA are sponsoring a $1,000 prize for the best paper which has used SIRCA data (this includes the full range of SIRCA data from Corporate Governance to the ASX intraday tick data with regulatory disclosures, and the Thomson Reuters intraday tick data and news). Please note, the use of SIRCA data must be acknowledged in the paper.
The deadline for paper submissions is 22 January, 2016.
SIRCA’s YRW5 submissions are being reviewed and finalised. We are again delighted with the high quality of papers received this year and look forward to the presentations of the successful applicants at the University of Technology, Sydney over 19-20 November.
All applicants will receive an email confirming their position for the YRW5 event shortly.
The paper submissions for SIRCA’s YRW5 event have now closed. Thank you to the SIRCA Members who have submitted their papers, we look forward to reading them.
SIRCA will be in contact with the successful candidates by 19 October, 2015.
Please email enquiries@sirca.org.au in the meantime with any questions.
We would like to congratulate the winners of the SIRCA sponsored Best Paper Award from the 2015 AFAANZ conference: Dale Fu, Elizabeth Carson and Roger Simnett.
Their paper titled “Behind the Transparency Report: Examining the Influence of the Partner Remuneration Schemes on Audit Quality” can be found here.